Colleen Hemingway

Of Counsel Attorney

Client-Focused. Experienced.

Ready To Help.

Colleen Hemingway

Of Counsel

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Colleen concentrates her practice on all aspects of family law, including high asset dissolution, complex custody issues, protection from abuse and support matters. Her passion is helping her clients successfully proceed through and complete their family law matter with the least amount of emotional strife and monetary impact as possible. Colleen seeks to help her clients achieve their individual goals through a collaborative, resourceful, pragmatic, and compassionate approach. She has successfully represented many clients in the negotiation, litigation and resolution of their family law matters in both California and Nevada.

Ms. Hemingway is a Certified Family Law Specialist in the State of California. She holds a Master’s degree in law in Taxation and is a trained Mediator from Pepperdine University, Strauss Institute for Dispute Resolution as well as Mosten Guthrie Family Law Mediation Academy.