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Child Custody

Grandparent Visitation Rights in California

Grandparents are often a significant influence in the lives of their grandchildren. In many households, they even take part in their day-to-day life or play the role of parent. A pending divorce or separation can cause dramatic upheaval to an entire family. Heavily...

Avoiding a Custody Battle

Most divorcing couples no longer have a healthy relationship with their spouse. When attempting to work through a divorce amidst a shattered relationship, it can feel impossible to resolve divorce-related issues outside of a courtroom. If you are in this type of tense...

Tracking Apps, Joint Custody and Privacy Issues

When you have joint physical custody of your child with your ex, there are a number of difficulties that you may plan on dealing with – scheduling conflicts, disagreements regarding holidays and vacations, miscommunications regarding after school care, etc. One issue...

Surrogacy & Child Custody Rights in California

There are few divorce cases which are pretty straightforward and the terms and conditions of the divorce are quite easy to understand. However, there are some divorces which are as complicated as they can get. One such issue arises when the child involved in the...

