Child support ensures that children receive financial support from both parents, even if they do not live together. California takes child support enforcement seriously, and courts have several tools to ensure payments. One such method involves forcing the sale of a...
Child Support
Will my child support change if I have my kids more during the summer?
Child support is important to many separated or divorced parents’ lives. It helps ensure that their children’s financial needs are met and they receive the necessary support for their upbringing. However, many non-custodial parents wonder if their child support amount...
What happens if I fall behind in child support in California?
When you become a parent, it is your legal and moral duty to care for your child until they can be self-dependence. And most parents take up this responsibility without the involvement of third parties. But when there is a breakdown in the parents’ relationship...
Can your ex tell you how to spend child support payments?
You and your ex-spouse have a contentious relationship, and you’ve always found them controlling. Now that you’re co-parenting, things haven’t exactly improved. In fact, your ex-spouse is demanding that you “prove” that you’re using the child support that they pay...
What happens if my ex won’t pay child support?
You finished the complicated and emotionally exhausting process of filing for divorce. Everything is settled, and your parenting plan is in place so you and your ex both understand the custody arrangement. You finally start to feel like you can begin to move forward...
Joint Custody and Child Support: Who Pays Who?
When parents are awarded joint custody in Orange County California divorces, child support can be tricky. The legalese and extensive negotiations can seem complex. Parents can spend a lot of time worrying about whether or not their child support order is fair and...
Can California Parents Agree to Waive Child Support Payments?
Is it okay for an Orange County, California parent to waive child support? This question comes up regularly amongst divorced and divorcing parents. According to California Family Code, when the support of a minor child is at issue, the court has the power to order...
What is a Parallel Parenting Plan and When is it a Good Idea?
Some divorced parents have no trouble interacting when necessary. They don’t have any problem discussing their child’s schedule, attending parent-teacher conferences side by side or calmly presenting differing opinions on important issues related to raising their...
Typical California Divorce Settlements About Child Support
Every family law case is unique, but there are specific terms that will apply to many cases and frequently appear in typical divorce settlements in California. Each divorce case has different facts, but there are standard terms that overlap. Knowing these common terms...
Can a Prenuptial Agreement Dictate Child Support Payments?
Modern couples planning their marriage often find that prenuptial agreements are useful tools. They are especially helpful when one or both individuals entering marriage have significant assets to protect. One common mistake couples make when entering prenuptial...