The prenuptial agreement, or prenup as many call it, is a legal contract between two people that is signed before marriage. The contract includes details about assets and liabilities held by both parties and how they would be divided in the event of death or divorce....
Prenuptial Agreements
Can a Prenuptial Agreement Dictate Child Support Payments?
Modern couples planning their marriage often find that prenuptial agreements are useful tools. They are especially helpful when one or both individuals entering marriage have significant assets to protect. One common mistake couples make when entering prenuptial...
Are Prenuptial Agreements Enforceable in California?
California couples are entering prenuptial agreements as a precaution in case of eventual divorce more than ever. The prenuptial agreement is a legal document that helps protect assets and income and spouses themselves from default rules of divorce. Even while...
Common Prenup Mistakes to Avoid
Navigating prenuptial agreements can be tricky. They lay out the financial plan for your upcoming marriage in legal terms. They also start your marriage off with a lot of open and honest communication about your relationship and your goals for the future. Make the...
Top 3 Benefits of a Prenuptial Agreement
Most think of a prenuptial agreement as less-than romantic, but others argue it is one of the best things you can do for a relationship. A prenuptial agreement or prenup has a number of different benefits; particularly in a community property state like the state of...
How Prenuptial Agreements Can Affect The Lives Of Couples
Marriage is an exciting affair especially when you know that you are going to spend the rest of your life with a special someone. Marriage is more than just a bond between two individuals. It is also a bond between two families. And as the bond strengthens, it is only...
Can a Pre-Nup Agreement Protect You Regarding Spousal Support in CA?
Prenuptial agreements are often signed by those getting bound by a marriage contract to protect certain rights and to give themselves exemptions from certain liabilities, in case the marriage doesn’t work out. It can be a pretty useful piece of agreement in case...