Child support and alimony are sometimes collectively referred to by the Court as a domestic support obligation. They both fall into this same category of an obligation to pay support created by the Court’s order. Court orders for child support and spousal support...
Spousal Support
California Spousal Support: What is a Gavron Warning?
If you’re dealing with California spousal support negotiations or court proceedings, you should probably familiarize yourself with Gavron warnings. The term originated from a California appellate court decision called the Marriage of Gavron over 20 years ago. The...
California Spousal Support: The Ten Year Rule is a Myth
Many California couples considering divorce fear what they call the “ten-year rule.” A common misunderstanding is that when a couple married longer than ten years seeks a divorce, there is a rule in place that requires alimony on an indefinite basis, but there is no...
What Family Courts Consider In Ordering Spousal Support
Ever wondered how a court determines how much alimony should be awarded to a spouse after divorce? Here’s some information in response to that question. Ability of the spouse to earn is considered by courts while determining alimony The court takes into account the...
Collecting Unpaid Alimony in California
Alimony is the money payable by the higher income earning party or spouse to the lower income earning party after the couple has separated or divorced. Usually, a family court issues an order stating the amount of alimony or spousal support payable by the financially...
How is Bonus Income Treated with Regard to Spousal and Child Support in California?
If you are a spouse in a divorce proceeding, how can you make sure you are paid a fair and equitable share of bonus income? How can the spouse paying support avoid overpaying? The main issue is that bonus income is discretionary and rarely known until it is paid. If a...